Fitness Dos and Donts for Having a Great Summer
If you’re planning to visit the beach, have a vacation planned in Tahiti, or just feel like summer is the time to get back into shape, you can get your body ready for bikini weather in 4 short weeks with this complete training, and nutrition guide.
These are workout, nutrition, and heat-beating tips that are not so secret but even the veterans need a reminder of once in a while. Starting slow, then ratcheting up your workouts will help you get fast results. And simple changes can make a big difference.
Size Matters
Smaller, more frequent meals will help increase your metabolism. Aim for three meals a day, with small snacks in between. Make sure you get lean protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats each time.
Success is in the Details
Planning your meals is just as important as scheduling your workouts. Take an hour every week to make a healthy meal plan and grocery list before you shop.
Make the Most of Your Time
Exercise when you wake up to burn fat instead of carbohydrates. Empty stomach workouts burn stored fat because carbs have been processed in your sleep. If you exercise in the morning, you’ll burn fat at an accelerated rate for hours after.
Choose the Right Atmosphere
Its summer right? So, enjoy your workouts in the great outdoors. Staying locked-up in the gym may not be as enjoyable as being out in the beautiful hot sun. Your workouts may be so much fun you’ll change your workout from 45 minutes to hours. I can only sit on the bike, or walk on the treadmill, at the gym for so long. But, I can walk along the beach for hours without feeling tired.
Don’t Wait for Your Thirst to Tell You When to Drink
Once you start thinking about a nice, cold glass of water, you’re probably already 1 to 2 percent dehydrated. I learned from some long-distance runners that hydrating before your workout is almost more important than afterward. And, in the hot sun it’s more important than ever.
Limit the Protein before Your Workout
Too much protein before a sweat session could elevate your body temperature, making you feel even hotter. In the summer you don’t need that. You’re better off saving high protein shake or bar for after your workout, when it will help you rebuild muscle. Cool off your body before a workout with a cold drink. It will help your workout, and energy levels, so you’re happy doing more.
Listen to Your Body
If it’s hot and humid and you start to feel sluggish, don’t think you’re just being a wimp. That feeling could be a sign of heat exhaustion. Take a moment to walk, instead of jog. Hydrate a bit more. Once you’re feeling better keep going. If you get heat stroke it could be serious, or just ruin your workout. And, you want it to be fun.
Don’t Spare the Sunscreen – and Hat
Keeping in mind that intense sun can not only give you a burn, it can exhaust your energy. Even in the water you can get a sun burn. Don’t ruin your workout – keep the sunscreen handy.
Focus on Body Weight Exercises
Walking, biking, swimming, sit-ups, push-ups – all of these are a great workout that doesn’t exert your body. The gym is great but you can get great results in the outdoors rather than being stuck every day in the gym. I love the gym as much as the next guy, but hey…a run, or walk, on the beach beats a treadmill any day. If you’re at the beach you should also try something new. Rent a paddle-board, or Kayak. Or, rent a wet suite and boogie board and catch some waves. A leisurely stroll is great, but try getting out of your comfort zone.
Check out these great workout tips on Fitness Magazine.
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